воскресенье, 1 мая 2011 г.

NPR Examines Debate Over Whether Gender-Specific Knee Implants Improve Surgery Results

NPR's "Morning Edition" on Thursday reported on knee replacements specifically designed for women (Aubrey, "Morning Edition," NPR, 8/30). Some companies are marketing knee implants designed for women because they comprise about 60% of implants and because women live longer and are more likely to be overweight or obese than men (Kaiser Daily Women's Health Policy Report, 2/16). Some experts say that physical therapy and a patient's presurgery condition have a larger impact on surgery outcomes than the brand of the implant, according to NPR. About 90% of knee replacement surgeries are successful, regardless of the type of implant used, NPR reports.

Anthony Unger -- who directs the Minimally Invasive Joint Replacement Surgery Program at George Washington University and has performed about 200 surgeries using the women's implants -- said gender-specific implants better fit the contour of women's anatomy. Unger said it is unlikely that companies will compare their implants with each other in head-to-head studies, so it could remain unclear whether the gender-specific implants improve outcomes. Diane Covington, a physical therapist and physician's assistant at Duke University's orthopedic surgery practice, said choosing a qualified surgeon is the most important decision for patients, adding that patients should select an implant that best fits their own anatomy ("Morning Edition," NPR, 8/30).

Audio and a partial transcript of the segment are available online.

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