пятница, 27 мая 2011 г.

Failed Blood Supply Can Lead To Loose Chips In Joints

Osteochondrosis, or so-called "joint mice", is a very common illness of Norwegian horses, although its cause is as yet unknown. A recent Ph. D. degree by veterinary surgeon Kristin Olstad of the equine clinic of the Norwegian School of Veterinary Science concluded that failure of blood supply to the developing joint cartilage can lead to the development of the disease.

Osteochondrosis affects both people and a range of domestic animals including horses, cows, pigs and dogs. The disease is especially common among Norwegian horses, in particular warmblood, and can lead to the development of loose flakes within the joint. These loose pieces can cause irritation, causing the joint to swell and the horse to become lame.

The disease is usually treated by surgical removal of the loose pieces, a procedure that is associated with risk to the horse and expense for the owner. Osteochondrosis is heritable, and affected horses can be denied certification for breeding programs if the disease is discovered on x-ray.

It was established in the 1970's that osteochondrosis arises in the so-called growth cartilage. This is specialised tissue that is only found in the long bones of the skeleton before an animal attains its mature size.

For many years it was thought that cartilage is a non-vascular tissue, that is, without its own blood supply. Olstad and a research team from the equine clinic have now, however, discovered and described a rich blood supply running in so-called cartilage canals. This blood flow is, however, time-limited, and in the case of the hock joint, it disappears at around the age of two months. This explains to a large degree why the blood supply to the cartilage has been so poorly described previously.

Using a microscope, Olstad and the research group showed an association between the earliest stages of osteochondrosis and a failure of the blood flow to the growth cartilage.

The cartilage canals are repeatedly forced to cross the boundary between bone and cartilage. Studies have shown the blood vessels in these vascular channels failed at precisely the point where they crossed from solid bone over into the softer growth cartilage.

Olstad and the research team discovered that when the blood flow failed, the cartilage cells around the cartilage canals died, since they no longer received the oxygen and nourishment they depended on. Small areas of dead growth cartilage became isolated as weakened points under the joint surfaces. Upon loading, these areas could develop cracks and loosen, causing loose flakes within the joint.

Kristin Olstad B. V. Sc. , Cert. V.R,., M.R.C.V.S. defended her Philosophiae Doctor thesis with the title "Cartilage Canals in the Pathogenesis of Osteochondrosis in Horses", at the Norwegian School of Veterinary Science, on February 29, 2008.


Ullevalsveien 72


четверг, 26 мая 2011 г.

Smart Instrument For Tissue Damage Assessment Developed By QUT Researchers

A tool with the potential to determine the level of tissue damage in patients with osteo-arthritis, sports injuries and other conditions affecting bone and cartilage is being developed by QUT researchers

Professor Oloyede said that the device, which he calls a "smarthroscope", may be able to reduce the cost of surgery, eliminate unnecessary surgery, and could be useful in developing countries.

It aims to determine the degree and spread of damage to the tissue surrounding an area affected by illnesses such as osteo-arthritis, and other conditions which result in cartilage and bone damage.

The instrument would also help in joint research and for evaluating the effectiveness of established and new methods of joint treatment, acting as a "decision-maker" for surgeons assessing the damage of tissue surrounding focal cartilage damage, to decide how much cartilage needed to be operated on, and to what extent.

Professor Oloyede said at the moment surgeons depended on a subjective assessment of pictorial information obtained using arthroscopes when treating patients, which was not always accurate.

"What we are trying to do is give an accurate picture of what is going on inside the actual tissues," he said.

"We want to accurately assess the area of influence of a focal joint defect in a particular condition to determine the optimal amount of tissue to be removed for replacement surgery, and the area to be prepared for other forms of therapy such as those depending on cell-based procedures.

"If we were able to give an exact map of the cartilage and bone in a degenerating joint, they would then know how bad the condition is, and would be able to treat the right area in the right way."

He said he thought the instrument could also help in developing countries.

"Out there, they do not have as many surgeons who can carry out arthroscopy and make decisions about joint tissue treatment as we do, but this instrument would reduce the dependence on surgical experience and guide them in the process of managing conditions such as osteoarthritis, avascular necrosis and osteochondritis dessicans."

He said he hoped that a mock-up of the "smarthroscope", which is the subject of a QUT-owned patent, would be ready by mid-2009, and an optimised prototype may be possible in three years.

Source: Sharon Thompson

Queensland University of Technology

среда, 25 мая 2011 г.

Biomedical Researchers Create Artificial Human Bone Marrow In A Test Tube

Artificial bone marrow that can continuously make red and white blood cells has been created in a University of Michigan lab.

This development could lead to simpler pharmaceutical drug testing, closer study of immune system defects and a continuous supply of blood for transfusions.

The substance grows on a 3-D scaffold that mimics the tissues supporting bone marrow in the body, said Nicholas Kotov, a professor in the U-M departments of Chemical Engineering; Materials Science and Engineering; and Biomedical Engineering.

The marrow is not made to be implanted in the body, like most 3-D biomedical scaffolds. It is designed to function in a test tube.

Kotov, principal investigator, is an author of a paper about the research currently published online in the journal Biomaterials. Joan Nichols, professor from the University of Texas Medical Branch, collaborated on many aspects of the project.

"This is the first successful artificial bone marrow," Kotov said. "It has two of the essential functions of bone marrow. It can replicate blood stem cells and produce B cells. The latter are the key immune cells producing antibodies that are important to fighting many diseases."

Blood stem cells give rise to blood as well as several other types of cells. B cells, a type of white blood cell, battle colds, bacterial infections, and other foreign or abnormal cells including some cancers.

Cancer-fighting chemotherapy drugs can strongly suppress bone marrow function, leaving the body more susceptible to infection. The new artificial marrow could allow researchers to test how a new drug at certain potencies would affect bone marrow function, Kotov said. This could assist in drug development and catch severe side effects before human drug trials.

Bone marrow is a complicated organ to replicate, Kotov said. Vital to the success of this new development is the three-dimensional scaffold on which the artificial marrow grows. This lattice had to have a high number of precisely-sized pores to stimulate cellular interaction.

The scaffolds are made out of a transparent polymer that nutrients can easily pass through. To create the scaffolds, scientists molded the polymer with tiny spheres ordered like billiard balls. Then, they dissolved the spheres to leave the perfect geometry of pores in the scaffold.

The scaffolds were then seeded with bone marrow stromal cells and osteoblasts, another type of bone marrow cell.

"The geometrical perfection of the polymer molded by spheres is very essential for reproducibility of the drug tests and evaluation of potential drug candidates," Kotov said. "The scaffold for this work had to be designed from scratch closely mimicking real bone marrow because there are no suitable commercially products.

"Certain stem cells that are essential for immunity and blood production are able to grow, divide and differentiate efficiently in these scaffolds due to the close similarity of the pores in the scaffold and the pores in actual bone marrow."

The researchers demonstrated that the artificial marrow gives a human-like response to an infectious New Caledonia/99/H1N1 flu virus. This is believed to be a first.

To determine whether the substance behaves like real bone marrow, the scientists implanted it in mice with immune deficiencies. The mice produced human immune cells and blood vessels grew through the substance.


The paper is called "In vitro analog of human bone marrow from 3D scaffolds with Biomimetic inverted colloidal crystal geometry."

For more information:

Nicholas Kotov: engin.umich/dept/cheme/people/kotov.html

Michigan Engineering

The University of Michigan College of Engineering is ranked among the top engineering schools in the country. At more than $130 million annually, its engineering research budget is one of largest of any public university. Michigan Engineering is home to 11 academic departments and a National Science Foundation Engineering Research Center. The college plays a leading role in the Michigan Memorial Phoenix Energy Institute and hosts the world class Lurie Nanofabrication Facility. Michigan Engineering's premier scholarship, international scale and multidisciplinary scope combine to create The Michigan Difference. Find out more at engin.umich/.


Nicole Casal Moore

University of Michigan

вторник, 24 мая 2011 г.

Osteoporosis - Weighing In On Aging Bones: Excessive Weight Loss And Age-related Structural Change May Contribute To Fracture Risk

It is well established that post-menopausal women are at increased risk for developing osteoporosis, but could that be related to subtle pre-menopausal changes in bone structure? That may very well be, according to two new sets of data presented at the IOF World Congress on Osteoporosis this week. The findings were made possible by the use of a new sophisticated X-ray scanner that can measure tiny, three-dimensional changes in bone architecture.

In two additional presentations, researchers from Ireland and the U.S.A. reported a direct relationship between body weight and bone mineral density. Their studies emphasize the importance of maintaining adequate nutrition and suggest that simple weight cut-offs for men and women could be used to predict osteoporosis.

Bone Geometry and Architecture Change with Age

In any complex structure, geometry and architecture are important determinants of strength. Bone is no exception. That is why studies from IOF President Pierre Delmas and colleagues at the INSERM, Claude Bernard University of Lyon, France, may lead to better understanding of bone fragility. In separate presentations, lead authors Stephanie Boutroy and Elizabeth Sornay-Rendu report that gradual remodelling may change the overall architecture of bones as pre-menopausal women age (see conference Abstract No. OC16), while in post-menopausal women similar architectural changes correlate with fragility fractures (see conference Abstract No. OC6).

Changes in bone geometry and micro-architecture in young women have not been well studied to date, but the new findings indicate that there may be two distinct types of bone remodelling related to aging. Studying the tibia, the larger of the two calf bones, Boutroy and colleagues found that though older pre-menopausal women have an increase in bone size, there is no change in the thickness of the cortical layer, or tough envelope, that makes up the bone circumference. They also found that spongy tissue that makes up the bone core is less dense in older pre-menopausal women compared to their younger peers. Their findings suggest that minerals are slowly lost from the inside of the bone, while at the same time there is increased deposition of mineral in the cortical or outer envelope of the bone that increases the circumference but not the thickness.

To arrive at their conclusions, the researchers tested 251 pre-menopausal women aged between 19 and 50 years old. Each were scanned with a sophisticated quantitative computerized tomography (QCT) scanner (CAT scan) to develop a three-dimensional picture of the bone. They found that in older women, the sponge-like tissue, or trabecular bone, that makes up the bone core, is less dense and individual trabeculae are sparser and more widely separated. The researchers are now planning to follow individual volunteers to determine if age-related changes in bone mineral density are indeed due to this type of bone remodelling. Because bone mineral density is generally used as a surrogate for bone strength the research could have important implications for our understanding of bone fragility and osteoporosis.

In fact, in the second presentation, Sornay-Rendu reported that micro-architectural changes can be detected in post-menopausal women who have sustained a fragility fracture.

In this study the researchers compared post-menopausal women, average age 72 years, who had a fracture over the past 13 years with women who did not have a fracture over that period of time. The researchers found that there were significant differences in terms of bone architecture measured with this new high-resolution peripheral QCT scanner.

The scanner allows researchers to get a much more detailed picture of bone density than is allowed by traditionally dual X-ray absorption (DXA) scanners, which are routinely used worldwide to diagnose osteoporosis. "One interesting finding is that when you look at the differences between the fracture cases and the controls, if you adjust by their level of bone mineral density measured by DXA, the difference between the two groups is still significant. That means that, clearly, by this new technique we are measuring something that is different to what we measure using DXA. That difference is basically the architecture of the trabecular bone," said Delmas.

Sornay-Rendu and colleagues found that in the women who suffered a fragility fracture, the number of trabeculae and the thickness of the trabecular layer was reduced, as was the thickness of the cortical bone. These changes cannot be picked up by traditional DXA scanning.

Weight Loss may Put Bones at Risk

Bone remodelling is well known to be heavily influenced by the load placed upon it. Heavier people, for example, are more likely to have heavier bones. But how does weight loss impact bone density?

Laurie Milliken and colleagues at the University of Massachusetts, Boston, reported that changes in body weight account for a substantial change in bone density recorded in post-menopausal women (see conference Abstract No. P417MO).

"These findings demonstrate that in this population of postmenopausal women, changes in body composition are more important than the current public health messages regarding preserving bone may reflect," said Milliken.

For four years the researchers followed 167 post-menopausal women taking part in the Bone Estrogen Strength Training study. Correcting for other factors such as level of exercise, use of hormone replacement therapy and taking supplemental calcium, Milliken and colleagues found that 6%-32% of the change in bone mineral density (BMD) could be accounted for by change in body mass, with weight loss leading to lower BMD.

"These findings confirm the 'bone loading' role of body weight. However, it may add confusion for those who are trying to reduce the likelihood of developing osteoporosis, especially those who are also trying to prevent heart disease and Type II diabetes. The public health messages for heart disease and diabetes are to lose weight but that advice may be counterproductive for bone," said Milliken.

That sentiment was echoed by Dr. Bryan Whelan and colleagues at Cork University Hospital, Ireland (see conference Abstract No. P232SA). In a study of over 22,000 subjects, they found that there was a direct correlation between weight and bone mineral density at the hip, spine, and thigh bone.

"Our main finding was that setting a weight cut-off in postmenopausal women and men over 50 is a simple way of determining if they are likely to have osteoporosis or not," said Whelan.

Those cut-offs are 72kg for women 81 kg for men. The research suggests that people should be mindful of not dieting to a level where their weight falls below these limits. "In this age, when there is such an emphasis on being thin and losing weight, it must be said that a good balance-not too thin, not too heavy-is still best because there are drawbacks to being too light, said Whelan.

Osteoporosis, in which the bones become porous and break easily, is one of the world's most common and debilitating diseases. The result: pain, loss of movement, inability to perform daily chores, and in many cases, death. One out of three women over 50 will experience osteoporotic fractures, as will one out of five men 1, 2, 3. Unfortunately, screening for people at risk is far from being a standard practice. Osteoporosis can, to a certain extent, be prevented, it can be easily diagnosed and effective treatments are available.

The International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) is the only worldwide organization dedicated to the fight against osteoporosis. It brings together scientists, physicians, patient societies and corporate partners. Working with its 170 member societies in 84 locations, and other healthcare-related organizations around the world, IOF encourages awareness and prevention, early detection and improved treatment of osteoporosis.

1 Melton U, Chrischilles EA, Cooper C et al. How many women have osteoporosis? Journal of Bone Mineral Research, 1992; 7:1005-10

2 Kanis JA et al. Long-term risk of osteoporotic fracture in Malmo. Osteoporosis International, 2000; 11:669-674

3 Melton LJ, et al. Bone density and fracture risk in men. JBMR. 1998; 13:No 12:1915

IOF World Congress on Osteoporosis, held every two years, is the only global congress dedicated specifically to all aspects of osteoporosis. Besides the opportunity to learn about the latest science and developments in diagnosis, treatment and the most recent socio-economic studies, participants have the chance to meet and exchange ideas with other physicians from around the world. All aspects of osteoporosis will be covered during the Congress which will comprise lectures by invited speakers presenting cutting edge research in the field, and 35 oral presentations and more than 680 poster presentations selected from 720 submitted abstracts. More than 70 Meet the Expert Sessions covering many practical aspects of diagnosis and management of osteoporosis are also on the program.

For more information on osteoporosis and IOF please visit:

понедельник, 23 мая 2011 г.

Treatment Trends For Biceps Injuries

The following was released today by the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons:


A patient with a long head biceps (LHB) tendinopathy, which is a pain and/or tearing of the tendon, may also have a shoulder problem and/or a rotator cuff tear. LHB tendinopahy can be caused by injury, trauma, overuse, inflammation or degeneration. Because of the variety of the causes and the range of possible severity, a patient needs a thorough examination, including radiographic imaging to determine the diagnosis and treatment. Traditional treatments include both surgical and nonsurgical approaches.

"The surgeon's goal in treating any long head biceps tendinopathy is to address the pain in a way that also respects the patient's lifestyle. And, as we found, there is a variety of excellent surgical and nonsurgical options. In developing this review, we also discovered the need for more comparative research data on surgical versus nonsurgical treatment outcomes for this condition," said Shane Nho, MD, an orthopaedic surgeon who practices in Chicago and whose review appears in the November issue of the Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.


-- Recent studies reported no significant difference in function or patient satisfaction between the two primary surgical options, biceps tenotomy or tenodesis.

-- Each year, an average of 10 million people seek medical attention in a surgeon or physician's office or at the ER for a shoulder injury and an average of 4 million people come in with arm injuries.

-- Both surgical treatments for LHB tendinopathy are statistically successful, with a complication rate of less than 1 percent.

Trends noted:

-- Both surgical options -- biceps tenotomy and tenodesis (between which the article found no preference) now can be performed via arthroscopy.

-- The authors agree that nonsurgical treatment is the first and in many cases may be the only treatment necessary.

-- The authors of this review seem to agree that of the two surgical options, biceps tenodesis should be used in younger, active patients.

-- The first line of treatment for LHB tendinopathy is a variety of nonsurgical options, such as:

-- rest;

-- anti-inflammatory drugs;

-- activity modification; and

-- physical therapy.

If those treatments do not offer the patient relief, a course of corticosteroid injections may be attempted. The authors do, however, report a concern about intratendinous (within the tendinous portion of the muscle) corticosteroid injections, which may predispose the patient to tendon rupture. More research is needed to address this concern.


See your doctor or orthopaedic surgeon if you experience any of these symptoms.

-- Sudden, sharp pain in the upper arm

-- Audible popping or snapping in the shoulder or elbow

-- Cramping of the biceps muscle with strenuous use of the arm

-- Bruising from the middle of the upper arm down toward the elbow

-- Pain or tenderness at the shoulder and the elbow

-- Weakness in the shoulder and the elbow

-- Difficulty turning the palm of the hand up or down

-- Because a torn tendon can no longer keep the biceps muscle tight, a bulge in the upper arm above the elbow ("Popeye Muscle") may appear, with a dent (signifying absence of muscle) closer to the shoulder.

Source: American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

воскресенье, 22 мая 2011 г.

President's Council On Physical Fitness And Sports Names American Orthopaedic Society For Sports Medicine As A Science Partner

The President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports (PCPFS) and the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine (AOSSM) are proud to announce that AOSSM will serve as a Science Partner to the PCPFS. The six other organizations already serving as Science Partners include the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, American College of Sports Medicine, American Physical Therapy Association, National Athletic Trainers' Association and the National Strength and Conditioning Association.

"As a world leader in sports medicine education, research, communication and fellowship, we are excited to work with PCPFS in promoting the distribution of action oriented educational materials and hope that our collaboration will enhance sports injury prevention and rehabilitation efforts nationwide," said AOSSM President, Bernard R. Bach, Jr., MD.

PCPFS is an advisory committee of volunteer citizens who advise the President through the Secretary of Health and Human Services about physical activity, fitness and sports in America. The President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, is an office within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Through its programs and partnerships with the public, private and nonprofit sectors, the Office of the PCPFS serves as a catalyst to promote health, physical activity, fitness and enjoyment for people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities through participation in physical activity and sports.

"AOSSM has a long history of dynamic educational materials and programs and we are looking forward to working together to promote wellness through physical activity," said Melissa Johnson, MS, executive director of the President's Council.

AOSSM will be working with PCPFS to distribute and create patient education materials for both the public and professional communities via product distribution and web site initiatives. For more information on either AOSSM or PCPFS please visit sportsmed or fitness.

The American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine (AOSSM) is a world leader in sports medicine education, research, communication and fellowship, and includes national and international orthopaedic sports medicine leaders. The Society works closely with many other sports medicine specialists, including athletic trainers, physical therapists, family physicians, and others to improve the identification, prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation of sports injuries.

American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine

суббота, 21 мая 2011 г.

UK Charity Tackles Health Risk For Children - Engaging Website Launches To Educate Children At A Crucial Age In Bone Development

Research from the National Osteoporosis Society has revealed that almost half (49%)* of young people do not know that there are steps they can take to keep their bones healthy. This knowledge gap puts them at risk of osteoporosis and fractures in later life.

In response to this research, the charity has developed an exciting online project that will educate UK children about bone health and provide inspiring resources for school teachers and parents. Bones4life gives vital health messages to young people while their bone strength is still being built. Through knowledge enhancing, creativity developing activity, the new website will help to prevent children risking their future health.

Lesley Millard, Education Officer for the National Osteoporosis Society, has over 30 years experience working with children. Her experience as a Head Teacher has provided inspiration for the resources.

"Our YouGov research highlighted massive shortfalls in knowledge around bone health in young people," she said. "Children don't realise the damage that unhealthy lifestyles can have on their bones in later life. The majority were unaware that exercise can help reduce the risk of osteoporosis and one in three did not know about the positive role diet can play. Bones4life is launching at a time when electronic and interactive resources could not be more valuable to the curriculum. We want to make sure children take care of their bones for the future so we've involved young people and teachers throughout the development of Bones4life to help us achieve this."

The website is tailored to the requirements of the national curriculum for 7-10 year olds and is particularly relevant for information technology and health and fitness. It teaches children about the importance of building healthy bones from a young age, to protect this living tissue.

Divided in to two sections, the children's part of the website includes a flash game, fun educational quizzes and a gallery where their work can be posted. The adult section hosts a variety of resources including lesson plans, PowerPoint presentations, film clips, photos, resource lists and music. There will also be a link to the charity's main web site for forum discussions.

Illustrating the site are three characters that children can interact with, developed by the charity to represent the three main elements required to look after your bones. 'Sneakers', the exercise lover, knows that weight-bearing exercise is important for general health and strengthening bones; 'Munch' loves healthy eating and calcium rich foods; 'Blaze' gets power from sunlight, which enables the body to produce bone-healthy vitamin D.

Simon Brown, a teacher at Christchurch Primary School in Wiltshire, welcomes the new website: "It is great to find a resource that both educates and entertains. The children love the fun characters and games that help them learn all about their bones. I'm keen to incorporate Bones4life into my lesson plans."

Christchurch Primary School helped to test-drive the site and provided valuable feedback for its development.

Sophie, year 5 said, "The website is really fun - especially the game which is challenging. I really like the characters as well."

Osteoporosis is one of the most common diseases in the UK, and more than a thousand people per month die as a result of hip fracture. 70,000 hip fractures occur every year, costing the UK healthcare system and government ВЈ2.3 billion - approximately ВЈ6 million a day. Younger people need to 'bank' strong bone before they reach 30 in order to reduce the risks of osteoporosis and poor bone health. Often called the 'silent disease' osteoporosis has no specific symptoms and can go undetected until the time of a first broken bone.

The National Osteoporosis Society